martes, 26 de marzo de 2013

Hi everybody!

Today, I tell about of the last reading book in the work, because I have free time in the work and for entertain in the ride of underground. This is called “Los Fusileros” speak about dictatorship in 1973 in Chile and the attempt of his life by his opponents from a political group. It wrote for Juan Cristobal Peña, writer and journalist Chilean. It was a gift from my father, he is buy in the market book in Culture Center because I don’t go with he. l like “Los Fusileros” because speak about the history Chilean as if it was an action novel, and is very interesting the lifestyle of the illegal political group. I recommend this book for know a little history of Chile.


martes, 19 de marzo de 2013

Hi, my name is Paz, I am study geography and is neccesary for carrer but i don´t like inglish, is very difficulf for me, but this year i will try to learn inglish.
In my free time read a differnts style books, that novel, biography and comic. At the moment i am reading "El hombre que no amaba a las mujeres" it is about crime, drama and all that stuff.