martes, 19 de marzo de 2013

Hi, my name is Paz, I am study geography and is neccesary for carrer but i don´t like inglish, is very difficulf for me, but this year i will try to learn inglish.
In my free time read a differnts style books, that novel, biography and comic. At the moment i am reading "El hombre que no amaba a las mujeres" it is about crime, drama and all that stuff.

5 comentarios:

  1. Hi Paz,

    I love reading too. Who is your favourite author?

  2. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  3. Hi,i don´t have favourite author,generally i read books that i recommend

  4. Sounds interesting. I haven't heard of this author. Has he written any other books you've read?

  5. mmmm only know this book and other two books in the series millenium that speak of the same history of "El Hombre que no amaba a las mujeres". I am eager of read these books, but now i read for university :(
