miércoles, 23 de octubre de 2013


The article i choose in the guardian page was one about a severe drought that was affecting Angola, the main issue of the article was that the Angola government was in denial of the situation, not accepting humanitarian aid nor asking for it.

The drought has affected over 1.8 million people in the country, and it has been caused by poor rainfall during the last 3 years in the sub-saharan area. The country of Namidia is also affected by it, but unlike Angola, it has asked for help from international organizations.

Other reason for the denial of Angola is because they think this situation will reflect badly on their economic growth and country's images, so they are dealing with the problem on their own, but the people feel this isnt enough and accuse their goverment of having no political responsibility.

We can only hope the goverment reacts accordingly to the needs of their people and not their economic principles...

Link: http://www.theguardian.com/global-development/2013/oct/22/angola-in-denial-severe-drought

5 comentarios:

  1. Interesting article.

    When nature strikes, politics do not always work.

  2. Hello!
    The article you choice is very interesting, show the relationship eith nature and the goberment.

  3. droughts in the world are growing! fear that we will run water

  4. government always leaving much to be desired, but I like your article, very interesting

  5. wow , it´s really heavy situation, also the ANgola it´s a so poor country terrible, i hope fnish
