jueves, 28 de noviembre de 2013

Bye Blog


Today I will tell about English, this subject is very important, because opens many doors, facilitates study and work. Personally, I don’t like the English, and it is difficult for me, nobody believes me that it is the subject that more complicated me jajajaja :( In the school this subject and the teacher it was very bad, But now I want a little bit English, because I have fun.

I need to improve vocabulary, acquire more words, improve the wording and understand when I speak in the listening is not going very well, maybe I am a little deaf sometimes I hear Spanish or jijij.

Since last semester when I had classes with Simon improve quite my knowledge of English, I can read larger texts and understand what it says. I think that the most important thing is to never stop practicing

The Blogs are very good for develop and release the hand writing in English, in a way fun, because writing about our likes, reading the other students and also the comment. Is form to learn in a way interactive.

In my daily life does not use English, and heard a lot of music in English, I prefer music in Spanish. But in the university many times we have to read documents in English or use programs in English, and to find tools or processes. In my last job all the products that they had to sell were in English, it was a challenge for me, correctly pronounce and learn.

Well this is my last post, or I hope jajajaj. I must approve this subject.



7 comentarios:

  1. Hello paz... For me is hard pronounce the English too...
    ...but after we will be bilingual XD jajaja

  2. Hi Paz, yep, English is present in our lives almost everyday.

    Practicing is a very good way to improve your skills and if you can do it on your own that's a better job.

    I hope you've learned something valuable and meaningful in this calss.


  3. Hi Paz!
    haha I think we all listen to music in English!!!


  4. really enjoyed English classes in peace ... miss them! let's just hope that the happy bunch jajajajajajaj

  5. I had a english teacher in highschool that treated us like stupids, including me, but now I know that with a lot of effort and a helping hand, you can learn and talk englis, just hold on !!

  6. Hi, Pacita, i understand you becouse not all the people like English and and not all the scholl have a good level of english, this is complicated becouse in the university is so important

  7. Hi, the oral exam is going to take place in room D11 at 8:30.

    The written exam will take place in our usual classroom, B11.

    Professor Lourdes Barría is in charge of your exams.

