jueves, 21 de noviembre de 2013



Today I will tell about the environment and your care. I don´t consider myself a green person, but I conscious about the environment and your danger for the overexploitation human in the planet, abuse the use the resources as the water, the forest, among other that pollute the air, water and the planet in generally.

The recycle seeks to reduce the trash, reusing the trash as plastic bottles that after are converted in cloth as handkerchief for gift-wrapping or recycle waste paper that after are converted in new paper.  I not much recycle, sometimes bottles collected and deposited in a recycling center or paper collected.

For to help the environment, I can the care the water with the use responsible, recycle the trash, use the clean transport as the metro or bicycle and buy the conscious companies with the environment.

The recycle and the care of planet is a topic of a part of the society more affluent because they are more informed about the topic, in Santiago the Campaigns for the recycle are in communes as Providencia, Las Condes, Vitacura, that more resources, while other poorest communes have other priorities in which to spend its resources.

In the schools there are the recycling programs, but are isolated activities, which do not generate a conscience and a habit the recycle, in my case, I learned how to make recycled paper, but the use my recycled paper there is not much. The true recycling is to separate our waste and reduce the use for do not generate more pollution.

That is all,


5 comentarios:

  1. Pacita, I´m sure that you in the future, will be a Green person :P

  2. Hi Pacita, stop polluting the environment hahahaha!
    Regards :)

  3. I recycle at home because the municipality makes me separate the garbage ..... why I love my commune jajajajaj

  4. My girlfriend's family does "eco-bricks". GAM has a really great campaing, you may be interested :)

  5. oo yes is so important, beacouse the our planet i´ts only one we nedeed change :)
