martes, 30 de abril de 2013

Beach of Chile


Today i´m going to speak about the beach. Chile have many beaches, but my favorite beach in Chile is Laguna de Zapallar, located in V Region of Valparaíso next to Maitencillo and one hour of “La Ligua” famous for the waistcoat.

I go to Laguna de Zapallar every summer at house my friendship Valentina with ours friends.

My schedule in beach is similar every summer, all day i go to the beach after lunch up to sunset, where I like bathing with many waves, play de volleyball, read a book and sunbathing. After in the night i go to the beach with my friends and we do a bonfire where we sing and drink or go the traditional fair where I buy truffle and craftwork.

I like this place, because is very quiet and the beach is big so manage to relax, and escape from the noise the city. Also I like because I can go with my friends and share happiness.

See you later my friends.


lunes, 29 de abril de 2013


Hi Friends!

I’m gonna tell you the last time i went to the cinema was “NO” , this film is about the dictatorship in Chile, specifically about the last year, when generate the  plebiscite in  Chile in 1988, and  how the publicity help to campaingn for defeat Pinochet. This film was nominated for  best foreign language Oscar.

This film I saw in Cinemark  of Mall Plaza Vespucio the last winter, my dad invites me, I remember that the auditorium was full.

I like the film because it's very well produced and is closer to the reality. Recently in an old post I told you like the Chilean History, specifically all about the dictatorship years.

I recommend this film because is an entertaining way to learn an important part of our history and the film can be used to teach the new generations about the dictatorship's final years. A good idea is to see the film with your parents, they can tell you his experience about the dictatorship

I hope you have the chance to see the movie, because is a really, really good production. 
Thanks for reading my post.


martes, 9 de abril de 2013

Hi everybody!
Today speak about my ambition. In the future I want travel in the world, meet very different culture and haven friends in very countries.  The principal countries that like me is India, Spain, Egypt, Cuba, Russia, China, Australia, France, England and all countries of Latin America. Also I will like have one cake shop inspired in my travel and use recipe the all world.
I would like to achieve this ambition, because I like travel and cook original recipes, when I do this I fell happy.
For a long time I like travel to vacation whit my family and explorer the place, in the last year I travel with my friends a different places and this year know Peru and Bolivia that I liven up know more countries. My passion is cooking the cake original and different for my family and friends, it is way to demonstration one the part my love. This is my inspiration.
I would mean fulfill my ambitions, I going to work in the geography for save money for travel, also I going to study very idioms for talk in the other countries.

Bye :)

martes, 2 de abril de 2013


Mi favorite song is the Jorge Drexler songwriter Uruguayan that also is my favorite singer, and the name is "Inoportuna . I don´t remember the first time that listen the song, maybe i listen many times, but when paid attention i love.

The style of music is varied, this singer mix many style in this songs, but predominate the pop melodic, and he always used new instruments and is very poetic in of songs.

I like because i think about of the life, i remember live the present, not create a plane in the long time, leave life stream, don´t to hurry and besides this music is very serene, and relax me when I am stressed, also I like because his songs I am represent.
I hope like you this song
Bye :)