jueves, 28 de noviembre de 2013

Bye Blog


Today I will tell about English, this subject is very important, because opens many doors, facilitates study and work. Personally, I don’t like the English, and it is difficult for me, nobody believes me that it is the subject that more complicated me jajajaja :( In the school this subject and the teacher it was very bad, But now I want a little bit English, because I have fun.

I need to improve vocabulary, acquire more words, improve the wording and understand when I speak in the listening is not going very well, maybe I am a little deaf sometimes I hear Spanish or jijij.

Since last semester when I had classes with Simon improve quite my knowledge of English, I can read larger texts and understand what it says. I think that the most important thing is to never stop practicing

The Blogs are very good for develop and release the hand writing in English, in a way fun, because writing about our likes, reading the other students and also the comment. Is form to learn in a way interactive.

In my daily life does not use English, and heard a lot of music in English, I prefer music in Spanish. But in the university many times we have to read documents in English or use programs in English, and to find tools or processes. In my last job all the products that they had to sell were in English, it was a challenge for me, correctly pronounce and learn.

Well this is my last post, or I hope jajajaj. I must approve this subject.



jueves, 21 de noviembre de 2013



Today I will tell about the environment and your care. I don´t consider myself a green person, but I conscious about the environment and your danger for the overexploitation human in the planet, abuse the use the resources as the water, the forest, among other that pollute the air, water and the planet in generally.

The recycle seeks to reduce the trash, reusing the trash as plastic bottles that after are converted in cloth as handkerchief for gift-wrapping or recycle waste paper that after are converted in new paper.  I not much recycle, sometimes bottles collected and deposited in a recycling center or paper collected.

For to help the environment, I can the care the water with the use responsible, recycle the trash, use the clean transport as the metro or bicycle and buy the conscious companies with the environment.

The recycle and the care of planet is a topic of a part of the society more affluent because they are more informed about the topic, in Santiago the Campaigns for the recycle are in communes as Providencia, Las Condes, Vitacura, that more resources, while other poorest communes have other priorities in which to spend its resources.

In the schools there are the recycling programs, but are isolated activities, which do not generate a conscience and a habit the recycle, in my case, I learned how to make recycled paper, but the use my recycled paper there is not much. The true recycling is to separate our waste and reduce the use for do not generate more pollution.

That is all,


miércoles, 20 de noviembre de 2013

Perfect song

Sorry for the delay in my post. On this occasion I'll talk about a perfect song. I believe that there are many songs perfect, depending on the time that you live.
With my friends we have a very good relationship, close and entertaining, perhaps too and perhaps a little bit crazy lol. For this reason, the song that always listen and many times makes us sense is "Ades time" of Bersuit.
While the song speaks of someone well lost, the parts we like are “Festejando un cumpleaños que hace tiempo que ya paso"
My birthday is February 8, the date of typical vacation, then there is never anyone in Santiago or i am not, then my friends invented a new birthday for me and so we can all celebrate, and it is the April 25, we have more than 4 years do so, it is very entertaining.
Hopefully they will find entertaining, i did not think another story, at this point in the semester jijijij
Greetings and I encourage all

jueves, 24 de octubre de 2013

Video Clip


Today I will tell about my favorite video-clip, the truth is that I don’t see video clip usually, but I listening music across You tube sometimes I see video-clip music instead of studying because everything is more entertaining  jajaja. So I will tell about “Desde que te perdí” video-clip of this song by Kevin Johansen.

I like this video clip because I like the song; this is what an ex-boyfriend to his ex-girlfriend, that everything is fine or what he wants to tell, at the end of the video account of the truth about your life. In this video-clip they tell the story as puppet show managed by the singer.

The principal puppet is Kevin and tells his life in this moment that is melancholy. After tells about of his good life and good at what you're doing with women that also them puppets. Finally tells that life is not the same without it and her says: I say that is not the same without my… It is now much happy.

The first time than was watch the video-clip was in the last year, I don’t remember with precision this month.

The story of the video clip is really, personally I did not past, but I know many histories about this topic, create the false certainty about my self

I hope they like it


miércoles, 23 de octubre de 2013


The article i choose in the guardian page was one about a severe drought that was affecting Angola, the main issue of the article was that the Angola government was in denial of the situation, not accepting humanitarian aid nor asking for it.

The drought has affected over 1.8 million people in the country, and it has been caused by poor rainfall during the last 3 years in the sub-saharan area. The country of Namidia is also affected by it, but unlike Angola, it has asked for help from international organizations.

Other reason for the denial of Angola is because they think this situation will reflect badly on their economic growth and country's images, so they are dealing with the problem on their own, but the people feel this isnt enough and accuse their goverment of having no political responsibility.

We can only hope the goverment reacts accordingly to the needs of their people and not their economic principles...

Link: http://www.theguardian.com/global-development/2013/oct/22/angola-in-denial-severe-drought

jueves, 10 de octubre de 2013


Today I will tell about my life in the future. In the future, imagine an active life, working, sharing with family and friends. Living with my friends in an apartment in the center of Santiago, because I love Santiago, I would like to get out of here, there are many activity and entertaining places. But I like know new places of Chile or the world, then I imagine traveling in the vacation.

The firsts years as geographer I work and save up…

jueves, 3 de octubre de 2013


Today I will tell you about I like country visit. I like travel, is difficult for me choose one country.

I would like to visit Cuba; I like this country for your culture and as live for a different system economic, I find very interesting go to Cuba at this time, before you change your system. Also I like the climate, the beach and tropical vegetation.

In this country I like visit La Habana, where go to museum, the old Habana city, theatre, I drink rum and mojito’s, also I like go the concert of Silvio Rodriguez, Buena Vista Social Club or any group of salsa.

Also I like visit Varadero, to enjoy and relax me in the beach. The coast of Cuba is heavenly and the water is tepid, a delight compared to the beaches of Chile.

I would go visit this country with my family that is my brother and my mother, because we deserve a break together and also the ability to share this beautiful experience, plus are tastes that bind us.
